‘Stress’ is a buzzword of the modern world. And stress has become and acceptable way of life today, which is surely not at all good for our physical and mental health. Yoga seeks to replace this stress with calmness and peace. That’s the importance of Yoga. Yoga opens up the blockages at our mind, body, breath and emotions level and takes us to a much higher plane of living.
At the physical level, yoga
asana seeks to remove blockages and rigidity and build strength over a period
of time. Asana seeks to create new body patterns which enables the body to
operate at its potential best by removing all impurities.
At the breath level,
pranayama seeks to extend our breath so that prana or the life force, is not
dissipated and slowly converges inside our body leading to high level of
positive, clear state of mind.
Over a period of time, the
deeper practice of meditation brings in complete clarity and calmness and
enables one to step back from momentary pleasures and seek a deeper truth which
would bring in the lasting joy and bliss.